Our School

Our Mission
The Montessori Schoolhouse is dedicated to providing an enriching and challenging environment where each child is encouraged to grow to his or her unique and fullest potential, academically and socially, in a safe and supportive environment.
We Believe
- Education is not acquired simply by listening to words but through participating in experiences.
- Acquiring critical thinking skills is essential and is done through developing ideas and problem solving independently in a teacher managed environment.
- Children must know respect. Through example they will learn to respect others and to expect respect for themselves.
- Education is not ‘given’ by teachers, rather children must be active participants in building their education and monitoring their progress while being carefully guided by a teacher.
- Children need the opportunity to succeed and fail. Learning to manage success/failure in a controlled and safe environment is essential to becoming a productive adult.
- Teachers are to always strive to find ways to inspire children to not just do the minimum but their individual best.
- Learning should be a joyful experience.
The Montessori Schoolhouse was established in the fall of 1996. Our program began with a small group of preschool students and their very supportive families. Our vision was to create a classroom setting where children could build a foundation for their education and establish a love for learning. We were successful and our program has steadily progressed based on desire from our school family and community.
Our People
Our qualified teachers and staff are degreed/certified and most importantly are valued members of our school family who love what they do.

Amy Rolan
Head of School, Primary Teacher

Lisa Whitt
Primary Teacher

Lindsey Rolf
Dining Room Manager, Shoe Tying Specialist

Ruth Ann Perrin

Amanda Fisher

Abby Fiene

Susie Wegener
Primary Assistant