Annual Fund

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The Annual Fund is a fund created through contributions/tuition. Its purpose is to complement base tuition, improving our ability to provide/retain high quality materials, supplies and teachers without tuition increases. Income from the Annual Fund is expected to benefit the basic budget areas. On occasion, we will announce a particular purchase we would like to make through the Annual Fund.

Additional Info
The parents of our students, grandparents, community members and your employers are some of our potential contributors. Please check in with your employer as many companies will provide matching donations.
Our school is a 501c3 charitable organization and a donation to the Annual fund can benefit your tax situation. Contributions may be considered tuition or donation. Your accountant can help you decide which is best for you.
There are no requirements. We ask that you consider your individual situation and contribute at any time at a level that is personally significant. We also ask that you bring the Annual Fund to the attention of others, such as grandparents, your employers, and community members that may like to contribute. Businesses and other contributors who wish to be acknowledged will be recognized. Every contribution makes a difference! When making contributions to the Annual Fund please make note of it on the check and you will receive a receipt.
$20 is plenty for a hard back book for our library.
$100 would be enough for a classroom material such as the moveable alphabet.
$200 could pay registration fees for a quality Montessori teacher conference.
$500 would help us to add additional shade structures outside.
$1000 allows us to purchase a desktop computer set up.
$10,000 might let us establish a scholarship fund.
The above list includes some very good examples but certainly isn’t an exhaustive list. Decisions on purchases will be based on current needs and will always be of direct benefit to our programs